The escorts at London Escorts Imperial agency come from various different nationalities.
These include:
American escorts - London Escorts Imperial has had a number of fun open minded escorts from the USA!
Argentinian escorts - We do sometimes have some sexy ladies from Argentina!
Australian escorts - Aussie ladies in London have been some of the most popular escorts in London
Brazilian escorts - Escorts from Brazil are known for their sexy bodies and natural abilities! (Laura, Vanja)
Colombian escorts - The most open minded. Often provide all services and really enjoy it. (Renata)
Portuguese escorts - We have not had many Portuguese escorts, but those we have had, are a lot of fun! (Pamela, Marina)
Russian escorts - Known for being sexy and very wild! Party and extremely open minded. (Lolita, Briony, Sandra, Arina, Evgenia, Nikita)
Spanish escorts - Spanish ladies at London Escorts Imperial, have been fun and their sexy accents have been very popular!(Claire, Amaya)
Swedish escorts- Not many Swedish ladies have worked at London Escorts Imperial escort agency, but those that have, get very good feedback!
If you are looking for a London escort then please pick up the phone and speak to a friendly english receptionist who will match you up with the London escort of your choice or alternatively recommend a suitable girl.
Admin of Best Escort Agency in London - London Escorts Imperial
Tags: Russian escort, spanish escort, brazilian esocort, colombian escort